Tuesday, December 14, 2010

happy [belated] birthday to me.

A year ago, I was on a plane heading back from my sister's wedding in the Caribbeans and I wrote the following about my goal to understand myself a little more thoroughly:

"Why?  Well, too many reasons to count, but if I had to distill it down to just one - it would be the age-old purpose (problem?) of finding one's self.  I am not suffering from a crisis.  I am not depressed.  I am not looking for any major revelations.  I am just, however, curious as to how this girl I see every morning has come to be.  I do not think I have paid her enough attention over the years.  I think I owe her a bit more of my time, of my understanding."

Overall, I think 2010 was a rousing success, at least in that department, although not quite as much in other aspects of my life.  I'm feeling better about myself, more content in who I am, where I am headed, than I have felt in a long time.  I now have a stronger sense of self and it's truly a lovely feeling.  There's no drama in my life; I can't remember the last time I had a moment of real self-loathing; I'm constantly grateful to be alive and am with a man who shows me how to actually live.  2010 is headed towards a fabulous close and on the horizon is an even better start to 2011. 

This birthday passed by with very little fanfare, but it was still quite great.  Best wishes and love were sent my way from my nearest and dearests.  There was a spectacular dinner and an excessive amount of desserts.  Plenty of laughs.  But best of all were the amazing conversations with the mister about life, love, and the whole affair of things.  Oh, and somewhere in there was an iPad that I'm considering keeping though right now it's not looking likely because my fingertips feel as though they've been burnt!  <3 

P.S. More exercise is needed, sigh, as I'm unlikely to sacrifice the sweeter (and decadent) things in life.  I mean -- just LOOK at that phenomenal chocolate molten lava cake!  Irresistible.

1 comment:

  1. happpppy belaaaaated birthday, love! your hair got so long! and you look lovely as always. may this upcoming year be even better than the last. <3


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