Sunday, November 7, 2010

sunday books.

Today is Sunday and I'm at work.  It's nothing new, but sometimes I wonder why I volunteer for certain assignments.  These days it feels as though I've involuntarily turned into some type of clutch-hitter, and though a part of me is drawn to the intensity of the moment, when I am afforded the luxury of catching a breath, I realize that the "intensity" probably aged me a few years.  Ironically, in order to stay focused, I have to allow my mind to wander.  Often times my mind wanders and lands on creating a list of coveted items.  And though I covet 304839483 different items at any given moment in time, today I am especially desirous of these luscious, glamorous, books:

[they say never judge a book by its cover, but with these gorgeous books, i'm judging.]

I read a lot every single day, but it's usually for work.  It gets increasingly difficult to finish a novel unless it's very riveting and captivating; I no longer have patience nor time to muddle through boring works, even if they are highly regarded and redeemed.  The two unfinished novels currently stuck inside my bedside drawer are (1) Elegance of the Hedgehog and (2) Anna Karenina.  Both are exceptionally well-written, but so trying to absorb after a long and exhausting day at work.  Perhaps if I displayed them with this rustic and simple bookshelf, I'll feel more compelled to read a few pages in bed each night instead of playing Bejeweled with Daniel.  Tough choice.  

[truly tempted to see if D can make this. . . ]


  1. Those are such beautiful books and I bet it would smell great too! Anna Karenina is also on my hit list of books to read and I will at some point read War and Peace (I blame it on watching The Last Station with James McAvoy), but right now its Catch 22 and Chelsea Handler's, Are You There Vodka, Its Chelsea. Btw, what do you think of the Stieg Larsson books? :)

  2. Lol, Ange! I tried reading Catch 22 -- it was one of those books I dropped. And I've read maybe like 4 pages of the Larsson books... don't have time; I'm always in prison.

  3. LOVE THE BOOK COVERS. i have it on my to-do list to cover my books with pretty paper (like we used to do in elementary and middle school, bwahah!) but gave up on that pet project a while back since it's been well over a year now... and i have yet to start on it... haha.


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